notes and study aids on Myanmar language

Tuesday, 26 January 2010

Myanmar font

To display Myanmar script, this blog uses Myanmar Padauk Unicode font, which is available here.

However, some browsers (especially on Macs) have difficulty displaying Myanmar Unicode properly. This is especially the case if you have previously installed ZawgyiOne or another Myanmar font, as they compete for dominance as the default font for displaying Myanmar script in your browser.

Therefore, if you are having trouble, check your default font in your browser's options. Make sure to set it to Padauk. This will not cause problems for displaying Roman script because the Padauk Unicode font also includes Roman characters.

If you are still having trouble, try viewing the text in a different browser. Or, try copying the text and pasting it in a word processor.

If none of these strategies work, please leave a comment and let me know what system and browser you are using. (Not that I'll have any idea how to fix the problem, but it would be interesting to know which systems/browsers have issues with the Unicode).


Nance said...

A Unicode font has now been developed specifically for Macs, Masterpiece Uni Sans, downloadable here:

When combined with Unicode Converter add-on for Firefox, it works extrememly well.

The next OSX (Lion) is due out next month, and according to testing, includes well-functioning Myanmar Unicode, so Mac users should no longer need all these stopgap measures.

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