notes and study aids on Myanmar language

Tuesday, 7 September 2010

The Karen in Myanmar historiography (2)

This translation continues on from the previous post relating the involvement of the Gwe Karen in the 1740-1757 Bago-Ava (Inwa) war.


သံတမန် ။ diplomat; envoy
ခြားနား ။ to differ
ထောင်ထား ။ to rebel
စေလွှတ် ။ to send [someone on an errand, mission]
ချန်လှပ် ။ to leave out; omit; except
အမှာစကား ။ message
အရက်သေစာ ။ intoxicating drink
အယစ်အဝ ။ narcotic
လူမှန်းမသိ ။ be too young to understand; behave callously towards one's elders or betters; be oblivious to the world
လူသူ ။ people in general; humanity; the people
ထိပါး ။ encroach; violate; attack; interfere
စည်းကြပ် ။ to supervise
ဘ​မ်း ။ ?
သူရဲ ။ warrior, soldier
မင်းရဲမင်းလှ ။
တဆဲ့ ။


And [the Gwe were famous for] the Gwe [Kayin] Kunna-ain who made a different rebellion at the cessation of Otbo before Ava was destroyed and was made king; and was sent to pledge his loyalty; and the coronation of the ethnic Gwe Kayin named Kunna-ain at the base of Eastern Ngasingaing Mountain with the arrival of more than 20 people at Musobo City; and [for the fact that] Alaung Min Taya the Great had his diplomat receive the [pledge of] loyalty of the Gwe Kayin; and [that] Gwe [Kayin] Kunna-ain would become famous in an extract from the royal histories. In the Myanmar royal histories which included that fame, the Gwe Kayin were not very important. Because only the Talaing [Mon] were important, in everything the Gwe Kayin were left out and the writing and talking of the Talaing-Talaing [Mon-Mon] should be noted. In Mon royal history texts, the Shwe Maw Daw history text and the monarchic dynasty texts of the Mon royal history, the fighting of the Gwe Kayin soldiers and the Talaing [Mon] soldiers is certainly included. That is the collected message.

When the Gwe [Kayin] and the Talaing [Mon] knew that [the people] in the city consumed intoxicating drinks and narcotics and were oblivious to the world they raised their hand and fought back. They attacked and destroyed the people. And Thado Min Gaung without being able to supervise had to withdraw and flee. And when Bago town heard about the destruction of the Myanmar military in Thanlyin town, because a royal order had come to ဘမ်း in  order to get Thado Min Gaung, the Gwe Kayin general Saw Bya himself took control and followed with the Gwe [Kayin and] Talaing [Mon] boat militias and fought. And Thado Min Gaung withdrew quickly from Pyay. Saw Bya'sGwe [Kayin and] Talaing [Mon] military ဘိစီး and fought up to Pyay town. And when Pyay town was destroyed Thado Min Gaung withdrew to Bagan Nyaung Oo

In the year 1106 [1744/45] of the Myanmar era [in] Hanthawaddy Country the Lord of the Elephant Tiger Min Drat [?]'s Gwe Kayin high official Saw Bya ပုံရွတ် [reciting a story?] and the Talaing [Mon] high official Panya Anya were made to be subjected to authority and five army units with more than 15,600 soldiers were made to march to  Toungoo. The king of Ava heard about that and had the young king Ye Min Hla detained and had more than 10,000 soldier from four တဆဲ့ march on. In Baung Nyaung Khaing when the Talaing [Mons] and Myanmars fought, the four military units of King Ye Min Hla were destroyed. And Thado Min Gaung marched strongly from Bagan Nyaung Oo to Patanago.


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