notes and study aids on Myanmar language

Saturday 10 September 2011

History of Myanmar's labour movement (43/505)

This post presents page 43 of The History of the Myanmar Labour Movement by Thakin Lwin (Bagan Books, 1968).


စွမ်းရည် ။ ability, quality, prowess
မြှင့်တင် ။ to raise, elevate
တားမြစ် ။ to forbid, prohibit
ဖရိုဖရဲ ။ in disorder,in disarray
တိမ်မြုပ် ။ be lost in obscurity; disappear
ထိုက်တန် ။ to be worth, deserve


[Marx said it was] to be a basic organisation and a central science education school for the establishment [of new socialist infrastructure with working class' political power in the future.] Therefore, [the fact that] the Paris Communes would elevate the working class's ability and perspective on practical revolution was put into a proclamation. Giving this as the reason, after fundamentally splitting with the anarchists, the French followers of mutual aid and the British followers of libertarian politics also split off ideologically. Taking advantage of the weakening of that Paris Commune and the conflicts within the Association, European capitalists used their power to prohibit the labour unions in their separate countries from having any contact at all with the Association.

Starting from that time the Association's forces were in disarray and since they had little power the Association's headquarters was moved to New York City in America in 1871, and after holding the last congress in the Hague in 1872 at the general assembly which was held in Philadelphia in 1876 the first International Workingmen's Association that had emerged was formally dissolved. After that, although in 1881 the anarchists led by Bakunin reformed the former Association that had been dissolved, it was not effective and it gradually broke apart and disappeared. That new association was given the name 'Black International'.

After the first International Workingmen's Association was dissolved, no worthy international federation emerged for many years. That time was a time when national labour union federations were established in many countries and insofar as they strongly adhered to many kinds of socialist politics the separate leadership of socialist parties, social democratic parties and labour parties were working class political parties that were being distributed, accepted and worked hard for. Since the aforementioned parties each differed in basic political ideology, the workers and labour unions that accepted the leadership of those separate parties...


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