notes and study aids on Myanmar language

Monday 25 April 2011

Banmaw Tin Aung (11)

This post contains page 11 (p.71 in the volume I have) of the short story "Saw Khin and her livelihood" by Banmaw Tin Aung. A full version of this story in PDF format is available here.


သည်းခံ ။ tolerate, bear patiently
ရေး ။ particle suffixed to verb or noun to denote a state, action or skill
ရိုးမြေကျ ။ till death
ပျော်မွေ့ ။ to be happy, delighted , pleased
ဖွယ်ရာ ။ decorous; decent; seemly
သင့်မြတ် ။ to be proper; be on good terms; be married to
အကြောင်းအပေါင်းသင့် ။ be on good terms, be favourable
အသီးသီး ။ separately
အတိတ် ။ past
ကြည်ဖြူ ။ be cordial, approve, be agreeable
လွှဲ ။ avoid; turn away
အောင့်သက်သက် ။ in a state of pain; in a disgruntled state of mind
တိုင်အောင် ။ until
အထစ်အငေါ့ ။ impediment; hitch
လွတ်ကျွတ် ။ completely free
ကျိတ် ။ secretly


Therefore, while bearing patiently and working a job that was repeatedly disheartening in life, Saw Khin took time and thought about taking another husband.

In this world, there was no marriage system better than one husband and one wife. Living together with that husband till death was the best happiness. [That] is the most proper and most united.

In that, when not united together and getting re-married, where would it be possible for that husband and wife who were separate in that past to be proper and united.

Saw Khin had to consider her son and mother who were her other associates. Would her next husband agreeably carry out the duty of [supporting] her other associates? That matter was not an easy matter. The person who wanted to take Saw Khin, may possibly approve of just [သဒ္ဓါ?] one Saw Khin. Until [he] accepts and does not avoid the extra [ဆာဒါး], [he] would be in a disgruntled state of mind. If it was like that, that marriage would have an impediment. If it was like that, could it be completely free?

Like that, after taking time and thinking that at last [her] strength could not continue to endure the harm of [her] work in any way, Saw Khin alone secretly decided that she would take another husband.


trh said...

သဒ္ဓါ​ကြည်ဖြူ has the same meaning as ကြည်ဖြူ.

> အပို​ဆာ​ဒါး​တွေ​ကို​တော့ မလွှဲသာ​၍ လက်ခံ​ခြင်း ပြု​ရ​သည့်​တိုင်အောင် အောင့်သက်​သက် ရှိ​နေ​ပေ​လိမ့်​မည်။
I think until is not appropriate for that line.
Even if [he] had to accept Saw Khin's associates (her mother, her son) unavoidably, [he] would be in a disgruntled state of mind.

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