notes and study aids on Myanmar language

Sunday 23 January 2011

Banmaw Tin Aung (5)

This post contains page 5 (p.65 in the volume I have) of the short story "Saw Khin and her livelihood" by Banmaw Tin Aung. A full version of this story in PDF format is available here.


ငြီးငွေ့ ။ be tired of; be sick of; feel bored; feel dull
ဝင်ငွေ ။ income


She became sick of that life to the point of wanting to flee just once to a place of refuge [free from that life]. At that time, those desires were just desires. They were not practical. Saw Khin was not alone. There were two more beings whose lives depended on her.


Saw Khin's work was selling tickets to travelers on the bus. Like that, the kind of work that gets a wage of about a 125 [kyat] per month could not be hoped for for a young lady who had not achieved any level [of formal education] like Saw Khin. Was it not the case that a certificate of having finished the lowest level of school was required to get a job as a low level young secretary getting 126 kyat per month. When her father was living, Saw Khin had attended only up to grade five in the municipal school.

At that time she was working hand-to-mouth in poverty in a lighter factory with a small income of about 70 kyat with an elderly widowed mother and a little son. When she learned that there was a need for young ladies selling bus tickets, then in order to get that work which could get about 125 [kyat] per month Saw Khin...


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