notes and study aids on Myanmar language

Sunday 23 January 2011

Banmaw Tin Aung (6)

This post contains page 6 (p.66 in the volume I have) of the short story "Saw Khin and her livelihood" by Banmaw Tin Aung. A full version of this story in PDF format is available here.


အပြေးအလွှား ။ hurriedly
ကြံစည် ။ to think, plan, forumulate
အရည်အချင်း ။ ability, competence, qualification
ဖို့တန်တာဖို့၊ ခုတန်တာခု ။ to make one's self look young and attractive
ခန့် ။ assign; charge; appoint (someone to a post)
သာလွန် ။ excel, better, be superior
ချောင်လည် ။ to be in comfortable circumstances
တွက်ချက် ။ to do or work out arithmetical sums; solve mathematical problem; calculate; compute
အားတက် ။ be heartened; be encouraged; be invigorated
ဦးချ do obeisance
သူတော်ကောင်း ။ upright person; virtuous person
အောက်မေ့ ။ to long for, be of opinion; think; consider


[When she learned that there was a need for young ladies selling bus tickets, in order to get that work which could get about 125 kyat per month, Saw Khin] hurriedly made a plan.

The end which was not able [?] Saw Khin lied and said that she was unmarried. In reality, regarding the one qualification of having to say "[I] am an unmarried woman", was she not a young female worker who could sell tickets?

While lying that she was an unmarried woman, Saw Khin who was a young divorcee with a child separated from her husband applied for the job. Saw Khin was still only about 25 years old. Therefore, when she got dolled up she became a young maiden in the eyes of the gentlemen who were able to hire [for the position].

The gentlemen who hired for the job looked as though they were interested in and were looking to see whether or not Saw Khin was a young maiden. Therefore, they hired Saw Khin for the ticket selling job. When she got the job that was much better than the job that got only about 70 kyat per month Saw Khin calculated that she would be able to live in comfortable circumstances with her son and mother--grandson and grandmother--and was very encouraged. She was very grateful to the gentlemen who hired her for the job to the point of wanting to make obeisances to them. She considered the future Buddhas and the virtuous people.

From the job where she got only about 70 [kyat] per month [to the job where she would get 125 kyat] per month...


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